Hedy Lamarr

Hedy Lamarr was born in Vienna, Austria on November 9, 1914. Lamarr lived until she was 85 years old and died on January 19, 2000. Throughout her lifetime, Lamarr was known for many things. At the age of 16, she was discovered by Max Reinhardt who was a famous director who taught Lamarr all about acting. Although Lamarr was very smart, her intelligence was ignored and she was put into acting due to her beauty. After many years of a successful career, Lamarr became known in technology as she came up with the idea for a radio signling device which was going to change radio frequencies in order to keep unwanted people from decoding secret messages. This invention was extremely important to the security of military communication, and even the mobile devices we use today. Lamarr was always a intelligent person, and will always be recognized for the security of the devices we use today.
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